Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and many others have taken the digital world by storm. These platforms present digital marketers with the opportunity to engage their target audiences in a direct and interactive fashion. However, unless considered and implemented carefully the social channels also present the risk of wasting valuable resources.
Systematic Approach
ThoughtCorp will aim to first understand who our client is trying to reach, what they are trying to accomplish, and how they plan to change their relationships with their customers. Only once this is done can we decide on suitable social technologies.
Our social media service follows the the POST method:
People. Review your target customer’s social behaviours and attitudes.
Objectives. Decide on your social technology goals.
Strategy. Determine how your objectives will change your relationship with customers.
Technology. Choose the appropriate technologies to deploy.
Using this methodology, ThoughtCorp will help our clients to cut through the hype and find the most effective social technology strategy to achieve their objectives.
Development of the social strategy includes a reputation audit, an influencer mapping exercise, SWOT analysis and an online brand audit which reveals where the our client’s brand is being spoken about, by whom, on what platform, how frequently, and as a part of what type of conversation.
The strategy will then map how our client should speak online, to whom and when. Thus this phase allows us to accurately pinpoint platforms for engagement.
The strategy will also aim to define how the event and social conversations about the event can be measured in order for our client to start gauging the return on investment.
Matching Objectives to Technologies
Based on a sound strategy ThoughtCorp will be in a good position to choose the most applicable technology tools for the our client. The following diagram illustrates how the marketing objectives (vertical) can be matched against a sample of social platforms (horizontal).
Online Reputation Management
Online Reputation Management (ORM) is the act of monitoring and addressing mentions in online media. Online Reputation Management for our clients will often combine three phases, including listening, analysing and responding.
As part of the ThoughtCorp ORM service we provide the following reports:
- Reputation Audit
- Brand sentiment
- Brand’s share of voice
- Brand’s reputation
- Influencer’s relevant to brand & network analysis
- Social media channel data (Facebook & Twitter & custom channels)
- Consumer/fan profiling & segmentation
Please contact us to find out how ThoughtCorp can help with your social media engagements.